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Tuesday, 23 October 2012



Today in the library, we were continuing to learn about the fictional world known as Woodleighville. 
Ms. Lees showed us the e-mail sent by Ms. Morris that told us that Woodleighville would be opening up a new super-market called Woldi. Waldi would be a worldwide store over 375 across the globe (if it is a globe). The whole class discussed on the smart board about Woldi and all its features and deals to offer. Woldi says that it had all the lowest prices and that if someone could find a price lower than theirs, they would lower their price even more by 15%! After the class listened to Ms. Lees talk for a bit, everyone went on the computers and had to write a letter to Ms. Morris' class. We had the choice of writing about:
  1. Recovering from Cyclone Mike
  2. Rioting recovery
  3. Should we install CCTV cameras
  4. Do we want a WOLDI Superstore

The whole class learned a lot more about Woodleighville today and how our friends in Australia are doing. We also learned more about how the blogging is working and getting use to writing on our group blog everyday. While on the computers, we learned how to write letters to our friends in Australia. I think that this writing thing is a very good idea because a lot of people don't know how to write an actual letter. Everyone is starting to get use to using abbreviation and they don't know how to right a proper letter let alone an e-mail. 


Today for homework, everyone who was not finished their letters to our friends in Australia and save it on their google docts.

TIPS!!! ;)

Write your letters on Word first and then copy paste it to Blogger because there is a spell correction option in Word.

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